Go Away Demon!
Hello everyone!
How has the past month been? SIP has already welcomed the new month. January flew by while Cosmos was buzzing like busy bees. Look at everything that has happened in the past week in preparation for the new month.
Cosmos started working on their Oni masks for Setsubun. Since its Cosmos we levelled up our skills and made our masks by ourselves.
Here we drew our outlines and did our best at making the Oni scary while trying to use traditional Japanese designs. We also made the Oni’s club into our `mame` carriers. Hmm… I wonder if the Oni got scared with our masks, I hope he did!
Cosmos also worked very hard at making the `mame` for our mamemaki. Thank you so much Cosmos, the teachers definitely appreciate your help.
While we worked hard on our masks and we also relaxed in the snow.
That’s right folks!!! We enjoyed the first snow in SIP. While it may have snowed before this day, it was the first snow we could enjoy together.
Look at everyone trying to eat the snow… ahh it makes me want to eat shaved ice in this freezing weather. What toppings would the children like? Oh! What is that the children are making?
AHH! It’s a cake! Please enjoy and thank you so much for tuning in!