

Hello to all the Children of the World!


Hello Friends!

For this month of November our theme is Around the World!

             In Ocean class like the other classes, we learned that our world is a very big place filled with many places and many people. To help us learn more of this month’s theme we enjoyed singing the song, Hello to all the Children of the World by Wee Sing, and in that song there is a special line that goes:

“ …We live in different places from all around the world,

we speak in many different ways though some things may be different,

we’re children just the same and we all like to sing & play!…”

Through this line the Ocean class felt inspired in creating their special art for the month. Here is the process of how the Ocean class did it….

First, we painted the heads of our friends using different flesh color.

When that dried, we then drew on the hair and the happy faces of our friends!

We then colored our Earth using colored pencils, and was ready to put our collage together by sticking our friends around.

When the glue dried we were ready to make our masterpiece more special as we drew beautiful designs around.

TADA!  Finished! Please say Hello to all the Children of the world!

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