
Full Open

This morning students of all grades attended for the first time. We started the full school open. Home room teachers reminded students of the special safety rules and we began with a prayer. Ordinarily I would speak to students in the hall. Today I spoke via live video link sent to all classrooms. The was my message to students.

Are you happy today? Do you feel well? Are you smiling? There are many things we still cannot because of the corona virus. Such as wear a mask and social distance, there are many things we must do because of corona virus. It is not convenient. But we can be happy. Are you happy? Happiness is not something we can buy at a shop. We can’t get it as a present. Happiness is a thing to make. We make happiness inside our hearts. We find happiness inside our hearts. First, we receive God’s love into our hearts and feel peace. Then we have a happy face and smile. We greet each other positively. Even if we wear a mask, if we have a happy face, everybody can feel it. But sometime it is not easy. Sometimes we feel hot or tired. Sometimes we feel sleepy or angry. Sometimes we feel stressed or nervous. But we can have a beautiful heart. Even with corona we can feel happy every day, smile and share happiness. Let’s make our happiness. Let’s help our friends to make happiness. Together, we can have a beautiful heart and make a beautiful day. Together, we can make a beautiful school. Smile and be happy!




Brett Maxwell