Our children are growing up seeing a pandemic suddenly change our world. Our children are growing up with both analog and digital tools in their hands. For our children, huge change and sudden evolution are merely daily life. Let’s give our children the traditional values and future skills to be happy and achieve their full potential in a turbulent world. Catholic education teaches every child that they are loved by God. Catholic education teaches every child love, the importance of life, kindness, good manners and respect. Equally, communication skills, technology skills and critical thinking skills are the core abilities to navigate the future world. Whether it is a stable period of good economy or a period of sudden change and turmoil, people with these abilities will stand out and achieve goals in any situation. These are the Seibo traditional values and future skills.
幼稚園から短期大学まで聖母で過ごし、多くのシスターや恩師に支えられ学ぶ。 大阪聖母(現ヌヴェール学院小)で20年間教鞭を執った後再び学生として大学で学び、2005年より本校に勤務。旧聖母女学院短期大学でも講師として教員養成に関わる。2019年より教頭、2022年校長に就任。認定心理士・防災士の資格を持つ。
京都聖母学院小学校 校長